Tuesday, 24 June 2014

It's Ghana be alright project - from Success criteria to rubric

Book layout
Below Standard
Working Toward Project
At Standard
Above Standard
Random cover

No chapter page

No Introduction

No Glossary

Front cover has title, and who has written the book

Back cover exists

A chapter page is written but has no page numbers

The introuction is too brief and miss important ideas, sentiments and a welcome.

Chapters randomly organised.

Glossary included but does not explain clearly the key terms
A front cover to summarise the north east

A back cover with “blurb” summarising the book.

A Chapter page with page numbers.

An introduction- purpose of book, written by, written for, an introduction/ welcome to the North east.

Section on ABOUT THE NE- History, Geography, landmarks

Section on CULTURE OF NE all others

A map of the north east is included.

A glossary of technical terms

Page Layout

a random selection of backgrounds

Title position and size changes from page to page

odd page has random background
or title and page number varies.

Page contains no image

Page contains too many images

Additional facts are in the same style as the text.

consistent backgound/ colour scheme

Consistent font size for titles, subheadings  and text

Position of page title should be consistent

Position of page number should be consistent.

Minimum of one picture per page.

Additional facts in fact boxes.

Pictures/ images
All pictures are the same size.

Pictures are too small.

Contains too many large pictures.

Pictures  are purloined from internet

Pictures are blurred, need cropping.

Pictures have unclear caption
Most pictures will be around half a page.

The smallest pictures will be a third of a page.

The most important pictures may take a full page. (only a few per book)

Pictures must be yours or copyright free.

Pictures are HQ and clear

Pictures require an describing or explaining caption


One person does the bulk of the writing

One person does not contribute to the writing.

The odd lapse into familiar or 1st person writing.

odd lapse to present tense.

Incomplete sentences.

Punctuation good, but does not add to the clarity of the writing.

Keyterms used, but no explanation.
or Too many Key terms.

Subheadings do not make it clear what the paragraph is about.

the topic sentence confuses the subject and object

the second sentence has the same subject.

A few connectives have been used.
Every person writes at least one paragraph

Written in a formal 3rd person style to inform.

Written in the past tense.

Full sentences

Punctuation and grammar need to be 100% accurate and useful in making the information clear.

Key terms/ technical/ specialist language in bold ( these word would appear in the glossary.

each section has a clear useful subheading.

each paragraph starts with a topic sentence. SVO or SVN

The second sentence uses the Object or Noun of the topic sentences as its subject.

A wide variety of connectives are used to add information, emphasise information, explain or sequence information.

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