A processor is a small chip that goes in
computers and other electronic devices. Modern processors can handle trillions
of calculations per second and its basic job is to receive input and provide
the appropriate output. The processor handles all the basic system
instructions, such as processing mouse and keyboard input and running
applications. Furthermore, most desktop computers contain a CPU developed by
either Intel or AMD. Modern CPUs often include multiple processing cores, which
work together to process instructions.
A CPU (Central Processing Unit) is like
the brain of the computer. The CPU does all of the computers calculations; it commands
the different components by assigning tasks. The CPU works by combinations of
logic gates to process electric signals. The processor uses these electric
signals to represent these numbers in binary. The CPU can work extremely fast
through the calculations and this generates heat. To keep the CPU cool it often
has a heat sink and fan attached. The heat sink removes the heat quickly from
the CPU. The fan is there to cool down the heat sink. The CPU is often the most
expensive component inside a computer.
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